Happy Week 15 2021!!

Last week featured a tie at the top with td10973 and SteveB824 both earning 178 total pick points! td crushed confidence and game picks and Steve the props! At number two was me (173), followed by Studley with 170 and then denverdanny with 161 and ssenderoff at 155!

Great work!!

This week seems like it’s going to be a bumpy ride this week with lots of covid question marks as well as injuries or guys playing at not 100%. First off, I hope everyone out there is as healthy and as happy as can be and we can choose to view this as a puzzle to figure out together. So let’s do this together. 

Oh and remember… we have another charity pick week coming up in week 16! 

As always, thank you for playing along and being a part of our pick community!